My husband is the king of options. I’m the opposite, queen of quick decisions and quite okay with option number one.
I typically know right off the bat what I like and what I can live with. My husband, on the other hand, has to explore multiple options, ad infinitum. He does research (did I mention that he has a PhD.) until I’m literally sickened by the detail circus he’s produced.
This man makes me crazy on a daily basis with his options. He really should assign that lovable “crazy” emoji to my name in his phone contacts, for exchanging text messages and phone calls. Instead, he uses the “love blowing a kiss” one; and the chorus said, “Awh.”
I’ve made plenty of wrong choices and hasty decisions in my life, but none of them have been outrageously disastrous. But my right decisions have far outweighed the wrong ones. I married the right man, didn’t I?
Is it better to have multiple options? Or are we better off with limited choices to weigh?
Then there’s second guessing yourself. “Darn it, I chose option B when I might have been better off with option C.” Rarely, do I harbor feelings of regret over the choices I’ve made.
How can you know which choice would have been, could have been, better? Is hindsight the same thing as experience? And do we learn from both?
Can you learn to live well with your choices? Decorating or landscaping choices are never a problem in our household. It’s our philosophy that one can always repaint, move the furniture, or find a new place for a shrub if our first selection doesn’t sit well with us in the long run.
However, I’m sort of famous in my family for not being happy with my menu choices. I often look longingly and mouthwateringly at my table partner’s food choices and regret what I chose. But there have also been some winners.
So, what’s on the menu? I wrestle with options. I guess that’s why nine out of ten of my dreams are situated in restaurants, where I am a patron.
Choices. I’m just happier with fewer of them.
With clothing, I consider myself fortunate that most of the time I’m happy with my purchases. But there were a notable few times when I asked myself, “what were you thinking, woman?”
It’s usually with the most expensive clothing purchases that I’ll get home and question my choice. More than once an item has gone unworn to the donation bin three months after I was sure I’d love it and it’s too late to return it. That one pair of black shoes lasted a year.
True story – I once found the cutest animal print dress in a store, forty miles from home. I debated and debated whether to buy it. It was a tad on the expensive side so I declined, until I got home.
I called the store and asked them to hold it for me, made a special trip back to the store, and bought it. It still hangs in my closet unworn, with the tags on it.
I’ve yet to find the occasion to wear that dress. I think it may have been a bad choice. Time will tell, I guess.
If you ever see me wearing a rather form fitting animal print dress, you’ll know that it worked out in the end. Sometimes you just don’t know if your choices were good, until the end.
I couldn’t be happier with my choice of spouse, he with his unending options and me with my quick decisions. And yet he still drives me to distraction with his options. I’m certain that we will remain together until the end, the only option worth considering for the both of us.